Friday, November 26, 2021

Surviving Black Friday


Blessings of a Non-Consumer

“Black Friday: Because only in America, people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.” (Unknown)

          I have a confession to make—I’ve never been shopping on Black Friday. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything enough to push and shove and cram myself into a maniacal crowd for it. I understand that makes me a terrible American consumer, but so be it. I’d like to say that I understand why people go crazy on Black Friday, but I truly don’t. Others have tried to explain it to me—"it’s the savings, stupid!” Or “it’s being able to get something for almost nothing.” But if I have to be body-to-body with a mad, crazy person who will rip my head off for an acrylic sweater (or even a cashmere one), no thanks.

          At any rate, in my worldview, Black Friday is one of the many made-up “holidays” that celebrate excess and stoke the fires of greed that are already flaming in America. I’m not an especially religious person, so those aren’t “sinful” things to me. And, Lord knows, I am no puritan. But that avarice is one of the valid reasons we are viewed by the rest of the world as “ugly Americans” and I don’t want any part of it.

          If you love to go shopping on Black Friday, more power to you. Give me a cozy corner somewhere and let me read a book. (I’m reading The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay right now and it’s wonderful.) A cup of coffee, a biscuit, and a sunbeam to warm me, and I’m one happy woman. Simple pleasures on this day after Thanksgiving. And blessings to you from a committed non-consumer.

                                                  In the Spirit,



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