Monday, November 30, 2015

Idle thoughts are simply...

Idle Thinking

Besides your recognizing that thoughts are never idle, salvation requires that you also recognize that every thought you have brings either peace or war; either love or fear.”
A Course in Miracles

The idea that we create our experience of the world with our perceptions is beginning to get traction with me. At first blush, it seemed naïve, but once I began working with it, I discovered that it's simply common sense. We observe, or experience something, and then we interpret it based upon our personal history, our ideology, and our world view. The event or experience in and of itself is neutral; it is our interpretation of it that causes us to feel either positive or negative. In other words, we are the ones who give it meaning, and we choose, whether consciously or unconsciously, what that meaning will be. We create enormous suffering for ourselves and others when we act on fearful perceptions.

This may sound like pure psycho-babble to you—there are goings on in the world that are very real and dangerous. We cannot think them away, nor transform them with our thoughts. Other human beings have other ideas, experiences and motivations, and some of those are extremely negative. That has always been true—at times we ourselves are filled with hostile intent. What it does mean is this: we are the ones who decide how we will respond. We can respond with fear, and add to the negative energy circling the globe, or we can respond with sanity and positive intent, and begin reducing the level of anxiety in ourselves and the world.

Our thoughts are never idle. They generate energy and take form in our perceptions of the world. When we are consumed with fearful thoughts and radiate that energy, the world looks terrifying to us. When we think through our perceptions, and consciously choose how we want to respond, we exercise some control over the energy we put out into the world. Our “salvation” here suggests that we save ourselves from the misery generated by our own negative perceptions. We can be instruments of peace or instruments of war, love or fear. It's up to us.

Affirmation: “Today, I will be an instrument of peace.”

                                                   In the Spirit,


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