Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Listen to Nature

Robin Sense

I trust the mystery. I trust what comes in silence and what comes in nature where there's no diversion. I think the lack of stimulation allows us to hear and experience a deeper river that's constant, still, vibrant, and real. And the process of deep listening with attention and intention catalyzes and mobilizes exactly what's needed at that time.”
Angeles Arrien (Anthropologist)

I've noticed that regardless of the persistence of winter here in the deep south, in spite of the fact that another “wintry mix” is on the way, there are crocuses and jonquils blooming in my yard. Flocks of migrating birds peck at who-knows-what in the grass. “Damn the ice!” they say, “We demand our season in its proper time!” Silly me! All this time I've thought it had to do with soil temperature and sun change, when clearly, it's driven by pure pigheadedness.

Nature, as we've witnessed countless times, will have its way. There's nothing abstract or wishy-washy about it. It isn't driven by emotion or ill will. Nature simply is what it is; we humans must stand back and show it some respect. It would behoove us to listen. And, not only listen to the nature outside ourselves, but the nature inside us, as well. The natural world, as Angeles Arrien says, has no diversions. Natural events arise from wave and wind patterns, moon phase, tectonic shifting, sun spots, earth angle. They're predictable in their outcome, and therefore, trustworthy. Mother Nature, once she sets something in motion, does not change her mind.

Our inner landscape is the same. It's reliable. If we check in and listen deeply to our higher self, we will make good decisions, we will feel confident and grounded. Even if there is evidence to the contrary all around us, we will know, as the robins do, that we are well within our rights to be optimistic. We can sally forth knowing that the vibrant river within us is just as trustworthy as the coming of spring.

                                                           In the Spirit,


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