Monday, August 18, 2014


Just Imagine

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.”
Kahlil Gibran

What if we knew for certain that before we were born, our soul chose how, where, and with whom it would incarnate in this lifetime? What if we sat down, soul-to-soul, with our spiritual teachers and guides, and decided that the primary lesson for this lifetime would be trust, or compassion, or faith, and we agreed to experience all the trials and tests that would help us to learn that lesson. Would we view life's difficulties differently? Would we view the lives of others differently?

And, further, what if we knew absolutely that there are among us, young souls, who are just beginning the journey through earth's soul-training program. And, that there are old souls as well, who have been through the earth-school many times and have learned the lessons they came to learn. Just imagine encountering that young soul in an old person, and that old soul in a young person. Would you know immediately which was which? Would your attitude toward each of them be changed? Would you seek the wisdom of the youth, and extend compassion to the elder?

And, as long as we're imagining, what if there were a blessing hidden within what seems to be a great misfortune. What if the unfortunate circumstance, in fact, were the very path to the primary lesson our soul came here to learn. Would we think differently about the things that befall us in life? Would we go toward them with anticipation, rather than curse and complain? There are so many possibilities, aren't there, when you allow yourself to imagine.

                                              In the Spirit,

1 comment:

Charles Kinnaird said...

A great way to put hings into a new perspective!