Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Truth about Omens


Omens and Coincidences

Omen: Greek origin: “Oiomai” meaning I suppose, I think, I believe.

Latin: “Audire” meaning to hear.

Porto-Indo-European: Omen: a sighting, or to believe.

Seeker Project 4 Spiritual Exploration Website

          While looking for information about synchronicity, I ran across this article titled, “The Truth About Manifestation and Synchronicity and Omens.” The minute I read the title I felt a chill go up my spine. Here’s why: we have associated omen with something bad that’s about to happen. Evil omen, in other words. This interpretation of the word “omen” was very intentionally supported and heralded by the church beginning in the 16th century. There were highly intuitive people who were tuned into such things as “signs” and meaningful coincidences, even precognition, that the church could not control so it rebranded the word to mean something evil. And the people who possessed these abilities were also branded—as witches. And you know the rest.

          The truth is, first, that this is not “Nanoo-Nanoo,” or New-age nonsense.  Intuition is simply understanding something without activating the left hemisphere of the brain—the verbal, fact-based, reasoning side. It is a right-brain phenomenon and therefore is visual, auditory, or a non-verbal feeling. It is when you know something without scientific evidence—something like faith. Omens are sign-posts, sometimes metaphors or clues pointing to a message. The meaning of any omen is up to the observer to unravel.

          The ancients equated the unconscious mind with the soul, so messages that came by way of dreams, for instance, or by less-than-scientific inquiry were messages from the soul or the universe. An example might be randomly opening a book, reading whatever is on that page, and finding meaning in it—perhaps the answer to a question that’s been on your mind. Some of the most ancient means of divination qualify as omens—like the I Ching, or the Rune stones. When we ask a question of the gods, or the universe, or God, and receive an answer, that answer may come in word form, or in the form of meaningful coincidences. But only we will make the connection.

          There is a quote that has been variously attributed to Paul Coelho, Ralph Waldo Emmerson, and Joseph Campbell that says, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” So, do we manifest the answers to our questions? Or does the movement of the universal soul produce the question and then provide the answer? When we whole-heartedly ask questions do we trust the universe to answer them? Perhaps the goodness or badness of our omens depend upon whether, as Einstein suggested, we believe the universe to be a friendly place or not. I’ll leave you to decide that one for yourself.

                                                  In the Spirit,


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