Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Exploring the Unconscious Mind


Active Imagination

“The face you turn to the unconscious is the face it turns back to you.”

Lucie Magnus, Jungian Analyst

          I attended a Jung After Work lecture last night. Analyst Lucie Magnus talked about active imagination, which is a technique valued by Dr. Jung in which one dialogs with dream images. Dream figures are often oblique, or there may be no words of explanation in the dream—only a scene or a figure. For those of us who take an interest in our dreams, understanding their message is important.

          The technique of active imagination is one of asking questions and listening within for the answers and is similar to Fritz Pearls’ empty chair technique. One holds the dream image in mind and asks questions such as “Who are you?” (if we don’t recognize them), or “What do you want to tell me?” “Why are you in my dream?” If you don’t understand what the answer means, you might ask that as well. The answers often come quickly. When they don’t, examine the blockage with more questions. The example Lucie used was when a client described running into a wall. She guided with questions about the wall: “How tall is it?” Is there a door in it?” “Can you climb over?” The suggestion of ways around the block are often productive.

          Active imagination is a dialog between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind from which our dreams arise. Engaging with dream images and figures can help us broaden our understanding of what our unconscious or subconscious mind is trying to show us. The key is to allow the answers to come as they do, not forced, and not avoided. Just listen and trust the answers. Also, keep in mind the quote above—if you can face the unconscious with trust and vulnerability, it will return the favor. It you face it with fear it will give you fear responses.

There is one caveat to active imagination: there is a danger of being “beguiled” with the images in the unconscious mind. If one wants to avoid what is going on in their everyday life, or if the dream world is more interesting to them, they can become so absorbed with it that they want to stay there. An example that comes to mind is Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland—that little girl spent far too much time down the rabbit hole and almost got her head chopped off—a reference to losing one’s grip on reality. Therefore, it’s important to keep one’s feet firmly planted, to stay grounded in this here-and-now world. Too much time spent gazing into the imaginative world can lead to dissociation.

On the other hand, when we allow our unconscious mind to inform us of things our conscious mind cannot or will not see, we create space for expansion of self-understanding. When we incorporate the information, we know far more about ourselves, what our true motivations are, and perhaps, why we behave in certain mystifying ways. And knowing oneself—all of oneself—is key to living authentically.

                                                  In the Spirit,


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