Friday, September 30, 2022

The Silliness Cure:


The Clown Chakra

“The Clown scientists have found that all our problems can be placed under one heading: seriousness. Seriousness is the leading cause of everything from cancer to reincarnation. Scientists from the Clown Academy have already discovered a new source of healing. It is a psychic energy point located between the heart chakra and the throat chakra. It is called the clown chakra.”

Jill Badonsky (The Nine Modern Day Muses, p.117; Gotham Books, 2001)

          When the clown chakra is activated, its vortex of energy sucks up all negative feelings and replaces them with laughter. The only way to activate it is to play—play at whatever you find pleasure in doing. Sometimes we get so serious we forget to play; that’s truly dangerous! Jill Badonsky suggests having some toys on your desk to help you remember—a yoyo maybe, or a squeaky toy.

          The disease of seriousness has rendered us stiff and judgmental. We’ve lost our ability to laugh at ourselves and each other. Everyone is so afraid of stepping in a big pile of politically incorrect that they’ve shut down all communication that goes beyond the time of day, the weather, and our medical maladies. No wonder we’re all falling asleep—boredom has calcified our vocal cords and sealed our eyelids. We’re like Dorothy in the field of poppies—sleep walking.

The best medicine for seriousness is silliness—just be silly and see what happens. Start by making funny faces at yourself in the mirror.  If you paint, make a mess—throw paint, splatter paint, mix it all together and make ugly brown. If you write, throw out all the rules—no grammar, no margins, no complete sentences—just write nonsense, make spirals and circles with made up words. Give up the illusion of control and just follow the muse wherever it leads you.

          If something doesn’t work, put it aside, but don’t toss it in the trash. Let is rest for a while and come back to it. At some point, it will become more appealing, and you will intuitively know exactly what to do. Follow your heart and your gut, and don’t stop yourself by being “reasonable.” Do whatever you do to please yourself and not someone else.

          If you have forgotten how to play, go watch children at a playground. They are in the fun business. They will refresh your memory and set you free from debilitating seriousness. Tap your sternum to activate your Clown Chakra, then go out there and have fun today. Don’t forget to be silly!

                                                  In the Spirit,




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