Monday, July 6, 2020

It's a Brand New Day


“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.”
Hermann Hesse

          Seekers cannot be otherwise—it’s an incurable condition. We spend a good portion of our lives reading everything we can get our hands on, pondering, praying for answers, meditating, dreaming and recording our thoughts and dreams, attending seminars, writing and teaching, and then, one day, that just stops. It’s not that we have gained all the answers so much as that we realize the question are all that there is. The answers change depending upon our relative position.

There is some sort of mystical security that comes with being a seeker—part of it is knowing that we don’t know and will never know, and part of it is the all-knowing, what I think of as faith. Faith, not so much in any religious sense, but in a grounding sense. Faith in change, impermanence, balance, and the certainty of movement between poles—good and evil, light and dark, woke and blind. For all our lives, we are somewhere on every pole of opposites we can name, moving along, back and forth. We never settle in one place for long simply because everything in the universe is fluid; it rises and falls. The questions become more complex, and less answerable in yes or no terms, until finally, we must content ourselves with only the questions. But they are enough.

It’s good to be a seeker so long as you understand that the journey is the destination. There is no final goal, no end point, no point at which we arrive, so to speak. There is only the journey. But the journey is ever changing, ever broadening, narrowing, ever moving, and the richness of it is more satisfying than words can possibly express. This life—your life—is amazing. Don’t miss a single moment of it.

                                        In the Spirit,

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