Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Heart Consciousness

“’Knowledge impregnated by love,’ is how John Chrysostom, a sixteenth century Christian master, described it. Overwhelmingly, these ancient masters saw contemplation not as a practice for stilling the mind, but as a different kind of mind altogether, something more closely approaching what we would call a level of consciousness.”

Cynthia Bourgeault (“Radiant Intimacy of the Heart,” Parabola, Spring 2020, p.29)

          Confession: I am not good at traditional meditation. I know I am not alone in this. We westerners have a great deal of difficulty quieting our minds long enough to enter meditation. Since the model we have prescribes sitting on a cushion on the floor, either in silence or chanting a mantra, we too often quit before we start.

          We went through a couple of decades here in Alabama in which teachers could not suggest their students practice quiet mind, meditation, or even yoga. In fact, the state legislature passed a bill just last week declaring it okay to teach yoga in the schools “for stretching purposes only.” No mentioning the M-word, and no “Namaste.” We entertain a lot of fear of change here in the heart of Dixie. If we could legislate regression we would. (Actually, we do.)

          What Cynthia Bourgeault writes about in her article in Parabola is an ancient Christian practice that seats contemplation in the heart, rather than the mind. St. Simeon, an 11th century Greek orthodox spiritual master, practiced this gathering of consciousness in the heart based upon the Beatitude, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” In fact, Simeon called “Attention of the Heart” the prerequisite for being able to follow Jesus’ teachings.

          Whereas traditional meditation is seen as extension of the mind’s consciousness to a higher, non-duel level, this practice places perception in the physical area of the heart. To practice opening your heart chakra, begin by focusing attention in the center of your chest and holding the intention to expand it. You may feel a physical sensation there. The image of the “radiant heart of Jesus” is a good one to hold in your mind’s eye while you practice opening your own heart.

If there is a person, or some earthly situation that is troubling you, this is a good way to hold it or them in the light. It is a silent way to pray and to focus the energy of your heart for their healing and wholeness. Begin with yourself, though, and then move on to the people you love, and then to the people you don’t love, then to people you don’t even know. You may find that when you hold humanity in your heart energy, your perception of them—and of yourself—changes for the better. Perhaps it will even be “impregnated by love.”

                                        In the Spirit,


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