Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Don't Worry; Be Happy!"

Creating Happiness

Is there something you can do that would make you happy, put a spring in your step, a smile in your heart? Many of us haven't asked ourselves this question enough. Some of us haven't asked it at all.”
Melody Beattie (Journey to the Heart)

I drove my son and daughter-in-law to the air port at four-thirty this morning. The streets were silent and dark. Everyone was sleeping except for us and the truckers, pulling slowly away from loading docks, and lumbering off, heavy laden, for the day's deliveries. As I drove back home, I thought about the privilege of being up early enough to see that all neighborhoods look alike when people are sleeping—quiet and peaceful. Silly as it seems, I felt happy—happy to have children, to have their youthful energy bounding around, spilling out of my house at four a.m. I thought about the adventure they will have in Washington, and the luscious nap I will take this afternoon to make up for rising so early. Life is good.

So, what would it take for you feel happy today? It doesn't have to be huge, like winning the lottery, or finding a sack of diamonds in your underwear drawer. It could be something small, like taking five extra minutes to enjoy a good cup of coffee, or going for a walk at lunchtime instead of eating at your desk. It could be buying yourself a bouquet of flowers on the way home, or calling a friend on your afternoon break. If you can think of even one small thing that would make you happy today, do it. Creating contentment where we live is crucial to our overall feelings of satisfaction with life. Building just a few moments of joy into each day is the road that will take you there.

In the spirit,

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