humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for
anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps
friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to
serenity and contentment.”
All of us have moods.
They're like clouds. Sometimes they are puffy and bright, sometimes
dark and stormy, sometimes wispy and almost invisible. Just as with
all human emotions, moods typically come and go. Some of us are
naturally good humored—it takes a lot of negativity to put us in a
bad mood. Some of us have “bad-mood” as a predominant personality
trait. A very unfortunate personality trait.
Perpetual-bad-mood people
are grouchy, irritable, critical, and sometimes paranoid. They seem
always to be looking for reasons to support their ill humor. They
relish conspiracy theories and apocalyptic scenarios. While they can
be entertaining in the short run, they tend to drive people away over
time, and then, they feel victimized by their abandonment. I wonder if
someone you know comes to mind. The sorts of illnesses that go with
this negativity are just what you'd expect—indigestion, acid re-flux, irritable bowel syndrome—all the gut diseases. In past
centuries, ill-humored people were thought to have too much bile.
people can sometimes be almost as annoying as grouchy people. Their
Pollyanna, everything is oh-so wonderful, wide-eyed naivety can get
on your last nerve, especially if you're a bad-mood person. One of
the most aggravating, and unfortunately, universal Southern responses
to the proverbial “How are you” question is, “Oh, I'm blessed.”
“How nice for you,” I say. But, here's the deal—good health and
good humor go together. Folks who tend toward the positive regardless
of what's going on around them, have fewer illnesses and recover
faster. They have stronger immune systems. Their guts aren't always
in turmoil.
Finding serenity is an
important human milestone for health, happiness and peace of mind.
Identifying ways of turning off the negative, and moving toward the
positive, even when life is not perfect, will favorably affect your
overall sense of well-being. One thing that helps turn this corner is
having something constructive to do with your life. Finding purpose
and meaning, feeling good about yourself and where your life is
going, learning how to be content—all contribute to robust good
health. What brings you serenity? Go and do that.
In the Spirit,
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