Sunday, September 4, 2016

Live long and...


If you want to live a long life, focus on making contributions.”
Hans Selye

Andy Rooney famously observed that everyone wants to live a long life, but no one wants to grow old. So true. Life is good, I think, as long as you have good health and can contribute something of yourself to the world. Unless we receive accolades for some singular achievement, like a Nobel Prize, or a Pulitzer (and very few of us do), we may not be aware of whether or not we're actually making a contribution to the greater good. It's enough, I think, to wake up in the morning excited about the day, and go to bed at night feeling good about what you've done with that day.

The older I am, the more I realize that every single day is a precious gift to be appreciated. What I do with that day is entirely up to me. Which is not to say that some of us don't have to pull up our big-girls and go to work—we do—me, too. Nor is it oblivious to the terrible conditions that exist for many people in this world. But, feeling good about yourself and your actions in this world, regardless of how small and undistinguished they may seem, carries the truest bounty. It's always gratifying when there's monetary recognition, of course—when we don't labor for little—but for the most part, it's the state of our soul that determines the quality of our days and, thus, the quality of our lives. Approaching every day with an attitude of gratitude makes whatever we do come alive.

Today, I wish for you a heart full of love—long or short, it's life's greatest prize.

                                                      In the Spirit,

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