Monday, February 1, 2016

In a world out of balance...


Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.”
Thomas Merton

Harmony is a critical element. We humans need it as much as we need air and water. When things are out of balance, we do not function well, regardless of whether the imbalance is internal or external. Having a system out of sync will make us quite ill—physically, mentally and spiritually.

We cannot feel content unless we are in harmony. Mahatma Gandhi said it this way: “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” There is nothing quite like living a lie to throw one's system out of balance. And yet, people do it every day—from the halls of power, to the person on the street, we all have words to mince and shadows with which to dance. It's very difficult in our day and age to both live in the world, and stay honest and balanced.

The world is out of rhythm, and so fraught with fear and dislocation that there is little chance of harmony simply breaking out. As without, so within. When our world is in disarray, it is equally difficult for individual human beings to keep themselves from being swept into the maelstrom of discontent. We feel it. We say to one another, “Something is just off kilter.” Even when we aren't in the middle of it, energetically we cannot disconnect from it. It invades us and makes us fearful and uneasy, even irritable.

What is truly important in these days of global unrest is for each of us to be as conscious as we can be of our own thoughts, words and actions. Keeping order about us, maintaining our own rhythm, and monitoring the words we speak to ourselves and others is important. To the degree we are able to keep harmony within, we will contribute to harmony without.

                                                    In the Spirit,


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