Sunday, December 13, 2015

Respecting Differences

Open Heart

To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.”

When you constantly go beyond yourself, there are no more limitations. There are no more boundaries. Limitations and boundaries only exist at the places where you stop going beyond.”
Michael J. Singer (The Untethered Soul)

These two quotes, one by Irish pop singer, Bono, and one by economist and spiritual leader, Michael Singer, represent the heart and soul of spirituality. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be “openness.” Singer established the Temple of the Universe in Alachua, Florida as a place where people of any race or religion can come together to learn yoga, meditation, and to seek peace and mutual understanding. Bono, lead singer of the band U2, travels the globe raising consciousness about inequality. Both come from one tradition, but have gone beyond themselves by opening their arms and hearts to people of all traditions.

When we embrace one tradition, or religion, and then shut our hearts and minds to all others, we step outside the sphere of spiritual integrity. In all religions and traditions, there are people who use their beliefs to limit and persecute others. They are fortunately not the majority. In all traditions and religions there are people who espouse peace and brotherhood. When we shut out whole swaths of humanity because they are different from us, whether that difference involves their religion, race, socioeconomic class, or sexual orientation, we are not exercising true spirituality, regardless of which religious tradition we belong to. We are simply sticking with our limitations and boundaries. We have stopped going beyond ourselves and our self-interests.

To walk the path of peace, one must learn to be open to differences without persecution. True spirituality, regardless of having its roots in any particular religious tradition, lives with its heart open.

                                             In the Spirit,


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