Saturday, December 12, 2015

Accessing Our Power

The Power of Consciousness

Consciousness is a tremendously powerful force. When you concentrate on [certain] thoughts and emotions, they become charged with energy and power. That is why thoughts and emotions get stronger the more attention you give them...Eventually, what started as a passing thought or emotion can become the center of your entire life.”
Michael A. Singer (The Untethered Soul)

Consciousness is the strongest force in the human sphere of influence. Individual awareness and individual responsibility are the powers that can change the conditions in which we find ourselves at this moment in time. We seem to think that events happening in the human arena are outside of our control, and therefore all we can do is defend ourselves. But that is not true. The strongest thing we can do is withdraw the energy we are pouring into thoughts and emotions that lead to aggression.

When we focus on threatening thoughts and emotions, when we engage in blame and anger, we feed those negative energies the very fuel that will make them stronger. They are dry timber to a bonfire. When we divide the world into us and them, and find every possible way to find them dangerous and unfit to live, we give ourselves permission to do harm. On the other hand, if we can allow these thoughts and emotions to pass through and not give them energy, we pour water on an out of control fire. We can lower our own threat level, our anxiety level, by not giving energy to fearful thoughts and feelings. We do that by becoming conscious—conscious of when they begin, how we fuel them and how they take over.

This is also true for positive and constructive thoughts and emotions. We can use our ability to shift our thoughts away from fear and toward love to change both our perceptions of others and our sense of safety. When we feed positive thoughts and emotions with attention and energy, they grow stronger and more pervasive. It is not possible to feel fear and love at the same time. One cancels out the other. We have control of which one we choose to feed.

Staying centered within ourselves, remaining aware of where our fearful thoughts lead us, and calling them back before they gain control, is the responsibility of every single human alive right now. Fortunately, we have to power to do that. We have the awesome power of consciousness.

                                                         In the Spirit,

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