Thursday, December 31, 2015

Looking into the New Year

Human Consciousness

Of all the things that exist,
we breathe and wake and turn it into song.”
Mark Nepo (The Book of Awakening)

As we're closing out the old year and stepping across the threshold into the new, let's take just a moment to consider human consciousness. I know that's not the first thing that comes to mind on New Year's Eve—mostly we're thinking about football and partying, dropping the ball in Times Square, and drinking champagne. If we're thinking deeply at all, we're wondering what the new year will hold. Will it be better; will we get a raise; will this be the year we meet our soul mate, or start a family? We always have great expectations, and that is because, and only because, we have the gift of human consciousness.

Believe it or not, human consciousness is moving to a new and higher level. Sometimes it's hard to see that evolution, especially when humanity is mired in war. But, at the same time that we have atrocious human behavior, we also have great souls like Pope Francis, Thomas Moore, Mark Nepo, Eckhart Tolle, the Dalai Lama, and many others too numerous to list, or whose names I do not know, leading and guiding us to greater awareness. They have moved into the mainstream by way of our global media. We, as a species, are steadily dropping away from traditional doctrinal religions to a more universal understanding that we are one people, one planet, with one shared desire for peaceful cooperation.

I know...right now you're wondering exactly which planet I live on! Have I taken leave of my senses entirely? All I can tell you is this: we have come full circle in our spiral galaxy. Our original people understood their interdependence –upon one another and this green earth. They didn't analyze it, they just lived it. They respected the souls of the animals and the sacredness of all creation. We are coming to realize that we too must take this same stance if our species is to survive. Only now, in the 21st century, we have the knowledge, the tools, and the technology, as well as the heart, and mind, and spirit to do just that.

Human consciousness is a uniquely precious gift. As you step into 2016, take some time to consider how you want to further the life of your own soul, and the world's soul by pushing your consciousness forward. Happy New Year to all.

                                                             In the Spirit,


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