Thursday, August 6, 2015

Who are your friends?


Where would you be without friends? People to pick you up when you need lifting? We come from homes far from perfect, so you end up almost parent and sibling to your friends—your chosen family. There's nothing like a really loyal, dependable, good friend. Nothing.”
Jennifer Aniston

A friend pointed out yesterday that I have been less dependable than usual about writing this blog. I apologize. I've had some early morning appointments this week that have interfered with my designated writing time. I promise to do better. I like that about friends; they point out when you're falling down on the job.

One of my friends is having reconstructive surgery this morning. Having gone through the myriad tortures of breast cancer, she is understandably nervous that the doctors may find something unexpected in there, even though they've assured her she is free and clear. She depends upon her friends for the courage she needs to get through yet another indignity. And, to help her celebrate afterward.

Another of my friends has just been placed on hospice. Her battle with breast cancer is coming to an end, but let me tell you, she fought like a mad tiger for about eight years. Sunday, I held her thirty-something-year-old son while he cried. No one is ever ready to lose their mother. He and his wife have a baby on the way, due in October, and his mother will likely not be there to hold it. Her friends will stand in as surrogate grannies.

We all have friends who are with us for life's ups—for the births, birthdays, weddings, and celebrations. True friends are also there with us during the moments of crushing defeat, or terrifying illness and loss. Friends are the most valuable asset in this world. Hold tight to yours, and let them hold tight to you. They are your truest soul-mates.

                                                                       In the Spirit,


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