Saturday, March 21, 2015

Soul Intervention

Family Choices

From a Hindu perspective, you are born as what you need to deal with, and if you just try to push it away, whatever it is, its got you.”
Ram Dass

It's popular these days to say, “you don't get to choose your family.” Some of us would, no doubt, like to have the choice of being born into different circumstances than we were. Would it be more acceptable, however, if we understood that our soul chose them ahead of time for the lessons we would learn? Could it be that being born at a particular time and place, to a certain parental pairing, isn't random or accidental, but purposeful?

What if we were to set ourselves the task of figuring out what we learned from our family, our original tribe, that has shaped who we are as individual adults today. What did they teach us—either intentionally or by their behavior—that has directed our own path? How are we like them; how are we different because of them? Have we built our lives around trying NOT to be like them, or in attempts to diminish their influence? Any way we go, the fact remains that our family is the crucible in which we are formed. And that's as it should be.

Once you achieve three degrees of separation, it's easier to view family in light of its influences. There is no normal. There is only the reality of who they are, and who we are in relation to them. It is never all good or all bad. Coming to peace with who we are, who gave us life and depth, who created the waft and weave of our particular tapestry, makes us better able to love unconditionally, which is what it's all about.

                                                            In the Spirit,


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