Sunday, November 2, 2014

Blessing the "Saints"

ALL Souls Day

The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in view of the foolish, to be dead; and their passing away was thought an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction. But they are in peace.”
The Book of Wisdom 3:1-9

Today is All Souls Sunday in most Christian churches around the world. It is the day we recognize and give thanks for the “saints” who have departed this world; those who gave us life by contributing to our gene pool, and those who were our teachers and role models. These saints are not limited to those whom we perceive to be worthy, holy and kind; some of our best teachers are those who taught us hard lessons—how not to behave, for instance, how not to treat others. We should not leave them out of our thanksgiving and All Saints blessing.

The Book of Wisdom is not included in the protestant Bible, but can be found in the Old Testament of the Jerusalem Bible. It presents a kinder, gentler God than most of the Old Testament. Some call this aspect of the deity, Sophia, the feminine face of God. She is more inclusive, more forgiving of human frailties, and kinder in spite of our egregious errors. Her forgiveness includes “sinners” and “back-sliders” and most every other kind of reprobate humanity has fetched up. I like her because I fall under that category, as do most of the people I know and love—and all of the contributors to my gene pool. Sophia includes me—and them—in her spacious love.

When you're commemorating the “saints” today, please remember to include the folks who gave you your sense of humor, who've provided you with colorful stories to tell, and who've wronged you in ways that caused lights to come on in your head. Remember those who've changed you for the better simply because they were, in your eyes, bad to the bone. They, too, are saints, and they, too, are in peace. Sophia has received them.

                                                       In the Spirit,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to purchase a Jerusalem Bible and get to know Sophia better. Humankind needs to understand and practice more of this spacious love. Thanks!