Friday, August 29, 2014

Pink in the morning, sailors take warning...

Chance Existence

If, one second after the Big Bang, the ratio of the density of the universe to its expansion rate had differed from its assumed value by only one part in [ten to the fifteenth power], the universe would have either quickly collapsed upon itself or ballooned so rapidly that stars and galaxies could not have condensed from the primal matter.” Chet Raymo (Astronomer & Science Writer)

The sunrise is pink this morning. Hopefully the skies will produce that promise of rain. In central Alabama, we are under moderate drought conditions—weeks of 90+ degree heat has baked the ground and everything growing from it. There are places in this state where one can find prickly pear and agave growing in what are now hardwood forests. Obviously, it once was desert—and from the looks of things, may be again.

What an interesting world we have inherited. If you believe some scientists, it happened by mere happenstance-one chance in a trillion-trillion or some such incomprehensible number. And we humans think that because we're considered “intelligent life” we have a handle on things. We call the shots. We have dominion over it. I can almost hear Mother Nature laughing. The created order can change in a matter of weeks—just ask anyone whose family lived through famine in the Congo, or the dust bowl. One look at California's reservoirs right now will wipe all notions of dominion right out of your gray matter.

We're here for the ride. We give thanks when the ride is smooth, and hold on for dear life when turbulence takes us where we didn't plan to go. We can, and should, do our part as stewards, but we are not the cosmic forces in control. We can appreciate a pink sunrise, and the sound of birdsong, and agave growing in our forests. And we can wonder what comes next.

                                              In the Spirit,


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