Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Zombie Apocalypse


Soul Restoration

“What kills a soul? Exhaustion, secret keeping, image management.

What brings a soul back from the dead? Honesty, connection, grace.”

Shauna Niequist

          Looking around these days, it doesn’t take much to imagine that the zombie apocalypse has already come. People look and feel worn out, hollow-eyed, and soul dead. The accumulation of pandemic consequences is finally catching up with us—hospitals can’t hire enough doctors and nurses to fill vacancies, classrooms are going teacherless, children’s achievement scores have fallen significantly, housing is out of reach for most people, and forget buying a car. The sticker price even on used cars is outrageous. Most of us who are optimistic by nature are looking forward and seeing more of the same. Even though unemployment is incredibly low, we're not feeling positive. We’re exhausted—physically and mentally, and every other way.

          Some of that is because we have tried so hard to maintain an image of ourselves as the greatest and the smartest and the best. Americans have always worn rose colored glasses; we’ve told ourselves so many lies that the truth is almost non-existent. Even now, we are trying to keep our history under wraps by controlling curricula, banning books, passing laws to control women and people of color. We deny racial discrimination exists or ever has existed, but in the capital city of Mississippi, which is 80% black and brown, there has been no safe drinking water for a week. Just yesterday it was reported that the state government of Mississippi spent a big chunk of its CARES Act money for a new sports facility at Old Miss. In Birmingham, the water works board is so corrupt that two executives are indited for fraud and the entire board is being sued for allotting contracts on a pay-to-play basis. Their performance has created such chaos that citizens are receiving bills for hundreds of dollars, or no bill at all and then being charged for non-payment.

          These examples are small potatoes in the great scheme of things except for the people who are suffering as a result. But they are emblematic of the problem we face when we fight among ourselves over meaningless stuff instead of being realistic about the situation we are in and pulling together to find solutions. We are exhausted because this sort of problem is going on in every arena of life, and not just one. While we’re busy fighting each other, America’s future workforce is dropping further behind, our climate is continuing to heat up, and we have daily violence in the streets. Let’s be honest. We’re in big trouble.

          No wonder we’re tired. We’re trying to roll a huge and heavy stone up a mountain of denial. We think that if we’re waving flags and shouting USA, we’re living the dream. But the zombies are us. The only way to restore reality is through honesty, by humbly connecting with one another, and begging for God’s grace and forgiveness. And, please, while you're on your knees, pray for leaders who have not yet sold their souls.

                                                  In the Spirit,







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