Thursday, September 15, 2022

Don't Worry!


Be Happy!

“Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy.”

Sarah Ban Breathnach

          I had cataract surgery yesterday. Right eye. Everything is very bright now, but I can’t tell you how good it feels to know my eyes will work better. I came home so happy, I sent my son on his way because I didn’t need help, got out the ironing board and a stack of clean shirts (my favorite Zen task), put some old-school rock and roll on the speakers and went to town. When my doctor called to check on me, I asked him, “Am I high, or do I just feel good?” He assured me it might be a little of both.

          The question that runs through my head now, after a night’s sleep, is this: “When I feel good, why do I assume I must be high?” And do we all assume that in order to feel really good, we must get high? It’s a good question to ponder since our social culture revolves around drinking. Even our staid institutions, such as Public Radio, conduct fund raisers in the breweries around town! “Raise a glass for WBHM!” I remember when they just played classical music around the clock. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a member of our Public Radio station. I listen to NPR almost every day. The point is, we’ve normalized alcohol consumption without giving it much thought.

          I think, actually I know, that it’s possible to be jubilant without the booster shot of booze. Carl Jung famously said, “Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.” He wrote this in a letter to a friend who had asked him for time to discuss a problem, when Jung needed to rest. Jung assured him that a person must be able to stand these struggles because that’s how we advance psychologically. In fact, in the process of analysis, when one is going through an easy streak, no problems at all, one will invent something to fret about or even involve themselves in someone else's struggles.

          We may need to struggle, but we also need to rejoice! When times are good, when some unexpected gift is handed to us, we ought to be able to declare our happiness out loud! I suspect it is part of the Puritan ethic that taught us that excessive joy is a selfish aberration to be avoided at all costs. At the very least, one should apologize for feeling great in the face of a world full of disaster. Here’s my advice to you (and to myself)—when you feel good, whoop and holler, dance in the streets, grab hold of joy and ride it like a bucking bronco. And then settle down and do your ironing.

                                                            In the Spirit,


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