Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Step On Board

Sea Change
“When you can’t go forward, and you can’t go backward, and you can’t stay where you are without killing something deep and vital in yourself, you are on the brink of creation.”
Sue Monk Kidd
          Have you ever been at this juncture in your personal life? Paralyzed, can’t move forward or go back to where you were just yesterday? Often, it happens when denial stops working, and you must face the facts at last. I have been there a couple of times in my life—thankfully, only a couple. It’s a terrifying place to land, and yet, I believe it’s the most creative life-space we have. I know so many people, some in my own family, who found themselves here, where the choices are life, death, or something entirely new. It’s the choice I imagine our ancestors five or six centuries ago faced when they set foot on a small sailing ship to cross the vast Atlantic or Pacific, to come to “the new world.” There’s no going back; there is only forward if life is to continue.
          That’s where I believe we are today as a country, and even as a world. Call it a crossroads, or a nexus, or an inflexion point; it’s where change is inevitable, and denial no longer works. And it’s where creation begins. We have an opportunity, not to rewrite history, but to face it squarely, and decide how to move forward differently. What we need in this moment are our very best, most creative thinkers and doers to lead us into a new consciousness. It’s an exciting and dangerous moment and one we can’t afford to mess it up.
          In her recent, pandemic-era, zoom-from-home videos, Caroline Myss said, (and I paraphrase)—"this is the one; this is what we’ve been waiting for and holding our breath about.” We all knew something major was building because it made us anxious, but we didn’t know what form it would take. And then, in the middle of the pandemic, George Floyd was murdered as the cameras rolled and the whole world watched. In that nine minutes, the world changed. After all our stupidity and brilliance, the world changed because of one black man’s death. Imagine that! (hmmm…when has that happened before?) We could not deny what was right before our eyes. And so, we had to change.
          I feel the deep sadness that one faces at such times. Something besides the man, George Floyd, has died. Our delusions of grandeur went with him. And while he died unnecessarily, what we have held onto all these centuries must die by our own hands. Like the confederate statues, we must tear it down and clear the ground. We must put our feet on the deck of a small, wobbly ship and face a vast ocean of change. What we create now is up to us. It’s a pretty exciting time, don’t you think?
                                                  In the Spirit,

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