Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Even In the Darkness

                                                    Finding God

“I found that I could not climb my way up to God in a blaze of doing and performing. Rather, I had to descend into the depths of myself and find God there in the darkness.”
Sue Monk Kidd
          This pandemic and the consequent economic collapse have thrown some of us into the depths of despair. All of us are living with uncertainty and concern, if not outright fear. And the premature opening of businesses, even though it portends better times, is just as fear-inducing as the pandemic, because it will undoubtedly lead to many new cases. So, we find ourselves between the proverbial rock and hard place. Which is just exactly where we might encounter the divine if we are so inclined.
          Since that power that we call “God” is everywhere, all the time (omnipresent), capable of anything (omnipotent), and knows everything (omniscient), doesn’t it stand to reason that God is also within us? And in the darkness too? And in the light? Perhaps the reason that we are living in confusion and fear right now is that we are looking in all the wrong places. If we are in the dark, look for God there. If we’re scared, let divinity show us why, and how to rise up out of it.
          I find myself walking around my quiet house, asking the “Lord God” what comes next. I do it halfway jokingly, but it does keep me connected to that reality. Lord God, where did I put my glasses down? Lord God, how on earth did we get ourselves into this mess? Lord God, I’m going into this grocery store; keep me safe. Perhaps you are thinking that is not taking the divine seriously, but in my world view, I am acknowledging that, as Carl Jung said, “Bidden or not bidden, God is always present.” Even in the small things, and even inside us, God is always present.
          We do not get to God by doing good deeds, even though good deeds are… well, good to do. And we don’t get to God by following all the rules and going to houses of worship and giving to charity—even though those are all good things to do. We don’t get to God by DOING anything—because God is already here, within and without. All we have to do is acknowledge that, accept that, and learn to live within it exactly as we are. Warts and all. Bad history and all. Hard times and good. Even in the dark. Even in the light. Even in us. Even in our fear and uncertainty. Always present.
                                                  In the Spirit,

1 comment:

Garvice said...

Beautifully said, and, very helpful to remember/ be conscious of, these days.