Sunday, March 29, 2020

Use Your Power

Energetic Connection

“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”

Brene Brown

          We keep hearing from everyone that we need to “stay connected” during this period of isolation from one another caused by the coronavirus. We have various ways of doing that from phone calls and texts to emails, to actual snail mail, though that requires people-touching, and just waving to one another from a safe distance. Right now, connections cannot be face to face, or even within six feet of one another. We may think we are doing what’s necessary if we are just careful about where we go and who we see, but if we have someone vulnerable at home, or if we are in one of the high-risk categories, we need to stay at home as much as humanly possible.

          It’s awkward for us, because we are social animals, and accustomed to being mobile whenever we want. It’s confining and in many ways demoralizing when we don’t know when it may end. I saw a post on Facebook yesterday from a woman in England who said we, here in the US, are in for at least eight weeks of self-quarantine. And we know from watching Italy, Spain and China, that this is not a short-term thing especially because we are on the uphill side of the curve. We must find ways to get through this without losing our minds or exposing ourselves and others to a potentially lethal virus.

          We can stay connected even in isolation if we think about connection differently. We can connect energetically through mediation or prayer; we can reach out with our thoughts and give a virtual hug to whomever we want. Remember that we exist within an energetic web with all strands connected to all other strands. When we hold the image of another person, or group of people such as our healthcare workers and first responders, in our mind’s eye, and pray for them, bless them, they receive that blessing just as if we had delivered it in person. We can give thanks for them and ask for their safety and health using only our minds, because our thoughts too are energetic.

          Use your faith in that way—reach out in prayer with the strength of your personal energetic field. To do otherwise may endanger the very people you seek to help.

                                                  In the Spirit,



1 comment:

Garvice said...

On the evening after you posted this, I received a text from my neighbor stating that Sen. Shelby had requested we gather from our driveways and say the Our Father prayer. With our flashlights in hand, standing at least 10 feet apart,4 of us neighbors prayed. What a beautiful connection it was.