Friday, July 13, 2012


Wrong Side of the Bed

Irritability is immaturity of character. If you are subject to being cross and unpleasant with others for no apparent reason, you need to come face-to-face with the fact that you are thinking too much of yourself. After all, your feelings are not the most important things in the world.”
                                         Lawrence G. Lovasik

When my mother said, “Well, young lady, it looks like you got up on the wrong side of the bed,” I knew I'd better get a grip on my irritable self. The next step would be taking away telephone privileges, and if that didn't cure my dyspeptic disposition, she sent me out to cut my own switch. My parents were 'old school'. They didn't spare the rod if they thought you deserved a whuppin'.

At 4:56 this morning, I was yelling at the dogs. Who needs animals that want to settle their dominance differences before daylight? Then Julie decided to pace—tick, tick, tick—flop; tick—tick—tick--flop. Finally, I got up and let them out, but by then, I was wide awake. Believe me, it was a wrong-side-of-the-bed moment.

My cousin told me last week that I am 'uppity' and opinionated. Well, she didn't use those words, but that is what she meant. And she's right. I do sometimes come across as arrogant. I can work up some righteous indignation about injustices. I don't like people who use religion or the Bible to justify their own prejudices. I don't like to hear people who are affluent talk about 'freeloaders' when they themselves have never known a single day of want in their sweet lives. And I really don't like the way religion has gotten all wadded up with military might! Call me stupid, but I don't think that's what Jesus, or even Muhammad, had in mind. I think growing up with a sister who couldn't walk or talk made me hyper-sensitive to injustice.

Let me say, it has never been my intention to offend anyone, and I do recognize that everyone has a right to their own opinion. As my cousin pointed out, 'We are all on the same path, just different locations.' I would love—truly love—to hear your opinions, even if they are absolutely opposite of mine. I know I have readers in other countries because Google tracks that sort of thing, and I would like very much to hear from you. Please, leave me a comment, or send me an email and tell me what you like and don't like. I'd also like to hear questions that you might have or suggestions for future postings. Send me your favorite quote, or your favorite poem and I'll respond to it.

Sometimes I still get up on the wrong side of the bed. I'm a passionate person, given to strong opinions, but I do know that my feelings are not the most important things in this world. Your feelings are important too, and I want to hear about them.

                                             In the spirit,

1 comment:

Carol Henderson said...

I absolutely adore today's quote Jane and an enjoying rethinking that idea of "getting up on the wrong side of the bed."

