Saturday, May 7, 2022

Quiet Mind


Sea Sounds

“The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.”

Kate Chopin

          The weather has been so beautiful here that it’s hard to stay inside and write. There is a covered pavilion nearby that I’ve gone to just about every day. It’s on the beach, so I can hear the surf and watch the sea birds. There’s nothing quite like the ocean to bring you to ground. To take you out of monkey-mind and put you in a state of quiet awareness. My son Jake gave me a leather-bound journal with hand-made papers for Christmas. So far, I’ve painted and drawn more than I’ve written in it.

          Some things I’ve learned this week on retreat:

          I can’t manufacture creativity. Either it is there and presents itself, or there is nothing at all—a blank canvas.

          If I have no fire in my belly for something, writing it on the page will not give it life. And in fact, it’s boring.

          In terms of the muse, of which there are several, one can only entertain one at a time. And right now, they are all on sabbatical.

          I thought that what was lacking was simple stimulation—that being with other people, seeing different sights would spark my imagination. I was wrong. It's been delightful but has not produced a flurry of creativity.

          Lacking inspiration means that nothing I write is breathing—it contains no life. And though I am disappointed, I am not devastated. I know that sitting by the sea and allowing my mind to clear is like leaving a field fallow. Allowing it to stand empty for a season replenishes the soil. The next planting season, it will be highly productive. So, for the rest of my time here, I will sit by the sea and let the sounds speak to my soul. Can’t wait!

                                                  In the Spirit,



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