Saturday, May 28, 2022

Almost Heaven


Summer Song

“Let us dance in the sun, wearing wildflowers in our hair…”

Susan Polis Schutz

          Henry James once said the words “summer afternoon” were the most beautiful in the English language. This Memorial Day weekend, as we remember those who gave their lives in defense of this country, we also dive into another Southern summer. I remember the days when summer was the season of freedom, of playing from early morning until bedtime, of damming up the creeks and swimming in freezing mountain lakes. Summer was as close to heaven as you could get on earth.

          Summer always makes me think of the Kingston Trio song, written by Will Holt: “Raspberries, Strawberries.” The refrain goes, “Raspberries, strawberries, the good wines we brew. Here’s to the girls of the countryside, the ones we drink ‘em to.” This is the season when we can wear fewest clothes, go barefoot, feel the sun on our face and sand beneath our feet and know that it’s okay to set free the child that lives within us. We build fairy houses and sandcastles and believe that magical creatures will surely inhabit them. Summer is like this still if we haven’t forgotten how to play.

          With all the sadness and anger and hopelessness we have experienced in the fast few years, it’s pure grace to take time to breathe again. In this Southern air, the scents of jasmine, gardenia and magnolia weave an amazing heady, heavy veil that makes you want to inhale and inhale and inhale. Like Dorothy in the field of poppies, one could die happy ensconced in these heavenly scents.

          Come on down, y’all. This is the moment when heaven touches earth like no other time of year. Put some wildflowers in your hair and dance in the sun.

                                                            In the Spirit,


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