Monday, July 2, 2018

Creative Spirit

Make Stuff

Let inspiration lead you wherever it wants. For most of history people just made things and they didn't make such a big freaking deal out of it.”
Elizabeth Gilbert (Big Magic)

As I've said before, human beings are innately creative. We are compelled to make things, even if those things are just doodles in the margins of our notebooks. I was going through old journals yesterday looking for drawings to convert to fabric for one of my collages. I was surprised at how angst ridden and passionate many of my written entries were, but interspersed throughout were drawings, some in color, some just squiggles and lines. Trees seemed to be a predominant theme—and diva's of trees, rivers and animals. Some folks take photos; I draw—compulsively.

My friend, Garvice, told me a story recently of some old men who met daily at a retired cotton gin upstate. They'd sit on the wooden benches out back and whittle all day while they reminisced and told stories. As a child he loved to go there and watch them whittle and listen to their stories. My own great aunts were like those old ladies on the Waltons TV show—spinster sisters, who sewed the most incredible quilts. They'd sit around a quilting frame and stitch together, and chat and fuss and argue and gossip. One of them, Lyda, would say things to scandalize the others. And all the time, their hands were just working away. I still have a double wedding ring quilt they gave me for a wedding present fifty years ago—tiny stitches with a pineapple pattern inside the interlocking circles. It's pretty shabby now, but still a treasure.

In the past, and still today, we are creators. We may do it differently, but the urge to make something is strong in all of us. Sometimes what we make is not a great work of art, but that is not the point. The point is allowing inspiration to express itself in the world in a unique way—through our hands. We are the only animals that have those miraculous opposing thumbs, and we have them for a reason—they give us expression. Even with all our technology, we still need to allow creativity to flow through us. I hope you make something today—even if it's not “a big freaking deal.”

                                                          In the spirit,

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