Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Path of Co-creation

Light Your Light

So, the path of co-creator is to be awakened spiritually, within, which then turns into your own deeper life purpose, which then makes you want to reach out and touch others in a way that expresses self and really evolves our communities and our world. Certainly we can't do that unless we activate ourselves first. That's why, for me, emergence is the shift from ego to essence. That is so important.”
Barbara Marx Hubbard

Many of today's spiritual leaders believe that humanity is on the cusp of a powerful evolutionary leap. We seem to be rapidly moving away from traditional religions that separate us and pit us against one another, toward spiritual connections that unite and nourish us. Those traditional religions have served their purpose in giving us an ethical base from which to function, but we, as a species, are ready for something new. Our evolution has moved from survival of the fittest and most adaptive, to conscious evolution in which we are co-creators of a world that is more hospitable and egalitarian. I know that movement is hard to see in today's divisive political climate, but it is that very political climate that is driving it. It is clearer than ever that living in opposition to one another, whether one is talking about nations, political or tribal camps, or individuals, leads only to deprivation, death and destruction. Our modern, never-ending wars have shown us, where once there was a decisive end and clear victory, today there is no such thing. War has evolved in such a way that it can go on forever and everyone loses. That has forced us consider other ways of settling differences—something unthinkable just fifty years ago.

But, it's more than that. We are beginning to understand that true spirituality begins within—not as a “saved by the Lord” external event, but as a deeply personal and conscious ethic. We wake up, as it were, to the magic and mystery of unspeakable love within—that living water I wrote about yesterday. It is a dawning awareness of something that has always been there, but of which we were previously unaware. And it expresses the essence of who we, ourselves, are. That is so engrossing, and exhilarating, and transformational! It changes our entire orientation to life and to our fellow humans. We want to reach out and share what we are experiencing with others. That is the movement of this present moment. What we are experiencing as dark and divisive is the stark display of the old way of being in the world—that of hierarchy and power-mongering—fighting against the coming tide of equality and bridge building. It's painful to live through this time of polar opposition, but it is the way that many more of us will become conscious.

If you are a follower of the astrological calendar, we officially entered the age of Aquarius in 2011, and now are transitioning from the age of Pisces, dominated by hierarchy and power, to the age of Aquarius, which is governed by love, acceptance, tolerance and personal ethics. We've been in a transitional stage for about fifty years, and the cycles last for 2000. So, we are celebrating the return of the Light both in our annual calendar, and in our universal calendar. The backward tow is there, and it's strong, but the more of us who resist it, the sooner we will feel the shift. So, light your light, and rejoice!

                                                         In the Spirit,


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