Friday, March 3, 2017

Growing Awareness


Consciousness is the highest and deepest word you will ever utter. There is nothing higher or deeper than consciousness. Consciousness is pure awareness.”
Michael A. Singer (The Untethered Soul)

In his book, The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer gives this scenario: You are among a group of people standing in a room that contains a piano. If you take the piano away, you are still there with the other people. Take the other people away, and you are still there, only now, you're alone. Take your awareness away. Now you don't exist.

He tells this story to demonstrate that we are our awareness—that awareness is the pure essence of that which we identify as “me.” It is not our physical body, not our emotions, not the roles we play, simply because all of those things change. My body is not the same now as when I was twenty, and my emotions are not as chaotic as they were twenty years ago. I am no longer counselor, or teacher, or wife. My awareness is still the same, though it has expanded with time, and with life experience and understanding.

At this moment in time, there is much in the headlines about Civil Rights—Black Lives Matter, Gay Rights, Women's Rights; we are experiencing a backlash regarding Muslims, Jews, and undocumented emigrants that has equality and right-action much in our awareness. When I was a child, and even as a young adult, I had little consciousness of such things. I was ignorant because they didn't impact me. It was not until the difficulties of the 1960's, the shooting of JFK, the war in Vietnam, the protests and violence on college campuses, the killing of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. that questions of right and wrong began to rise up in my consciousness. Now, I look at the world with different eyes, though it is still the same me who sees. Consciousness expands and grows, but it is always individual and indelible. It is who we are.

I hope today, you will give some attention to your own awareness. Take a few moments to experience the pure state of consciousness that is you. What are you aware of now that was not there before? How are you responding to the events of our time? Is your consciousness expanding?

                                                             In the Spirit,

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