Friday, April 1, 2016

Spirit of Joy

April Foolishness

Today—All Fools Day—is a day that for centuries has been associated with high spirits and merriment. It's a prefect day for us to remember the importance of lightening up. A lighthearted sense of spontaneity is closely associated with Spirit.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach (Simple Abundance)

April Fools Day gives us a chance each year to, as we say down here, “act a fool” and get away with it. We can be silly and full of pranks and then holler, “April Fools!” and possibly not get punched. Much of the time, we, or at least, I, take myself way to seriously. Our thoughts are weighty, our opinions cynical. We let life drag us down, and make us dark and full of sighs. Forgetting how to play is the saddest loss of all.

Yes, you say, but there is so much tragedy in the world! How can I be happy when the world is on fire? How can I be silly when serious danger lurks around every turn. Shouldn't I bring a sober attitude to all the deadly problems people face every day? And, my answer is—yes, tomorrow you can be all that, but for just one day, let Spirit play.

We don't normally think of play as spiritual—that label is reserved for somber ritual, brief encounters with the divine, prayerful retreats, and heartfelt contemplation of deep topics. News flash! One of the gifts of the Spirit is joy! And, the first day of April—the beginning in earnest of Spring—is a great day to practice joy. So, lighten up, dude. Today, instead of weighing yourself down with worries and consequences, heavy thoughts and responsibilities, take a little time for merriment. Just for today, let Spirit move you to hijinks and foolishness. Tomorrow is another day, and will be time enough for life's heavy lifting.

                                              In the Spirit,


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