Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday


Live your life so that the fear of death can never enter your heart. When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light. Give thanks for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. And if perchance you see no reason for giving thanks, then rest assured the fault is in yourself.”
Chief Tecumseh

We celebrate the resurrection today. At this moment, people are gathering in parks and church yards for sunrise services. Choirs will sing the Alleluia chorus, and give thanks and praise for the risen Christ. There will be much pomp and processing with banners and flags. We'll wear our beautiful spring clothes and new shoes and everyone will be joyful for the guarantee of salvation. In the afternoon, families will gather for hearty meals and Easter egg hunts. This is a day for play and family fun, a day for inspiration and exuberance.

Tomorrow, we will get up, pull up our pants and head out to work. We will resume life on the far side of Easter, facing the issues of our day, and the difficulties of the world. Wars are still raging, terrorists are still bombing, our infrastructure is crumbling around us, and we have a nastier than usual political cycle going on with no end in sight. The question becomes, how do we live the resurrection in view of all that? How do we keep the risen Christ, light of the world, in our hearts for all the days after Easter?

Chief Tecumseh was head of the Shawnee Nation. He grew up during the Revolutionary War and the Northwest Indian War, and so, both as a child and as an adult, was exposed to constant warfare. He opposed the takeover of Indian territory by the American forces and enlisted the British to help his tribe fight. His nation, known as the Tecumseh Confederacy, moved from the Ohio territory to present day Indiana in hopes of establishing a multi-tribal nation. He was killed by American troops at the Battle of Thames in 1813. He was not a Christian. And, yet, he knew how to live in the Christ-light all the days of his very difficult life. The key was gratitude. Giving thanks. It still is.

                                                   In the Spirit,


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