Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Warning: New Year Ahead

Crossing a Threshold

He had the vague sense of standing on a threshold, the crossing of which would change everything.”
Kate Morton (The Forgotten Garden)

Ah, thresholds, my favorite topic—liminal spaces, thin places, thresholds. We cross them every day without the slightest thought. Walking through our front door, we traverse from outside to inside, from the unknown to the known. Crossing a threshold happens any time we leave one reality and step into another. It may be going from childhood to adolescence, from single to married, from maiden to mother, or hot, young stud to middle-aged man. Thresholds mark life passages. Do you remember your thirteenth birthday? What a passage that was! You became a teen, and almost over-night your body morphed into someone barely recognizable as you. Or when you first married, and all the things you found so sweet about your beloved prior to living with them 24-7, suddenly got on your final nerve? Or when you brought your first-born home from the hospital, and it hit you like a meteor that this wiggly, dependent thing is now your total responsibility. Ah, yes. Thresholds change everything.

I don't know about you, but my first thought when crossing one of those major life thresholds has always been, “What have I done?” or her sister, “What was I thinking?” And the answer is usually something I don't want to hear—like, “You weren't thinking, my dear. You were only feeling.” Or, equally irksome, “Well, there's no turning back now.” But, you know what, thresholds are made to be crossed. And in the words of Kamal Renikant (Living Your Truth), “Confidence comes from crossing thresholds.” Unless we're Peter Pan, or maybe Tinker Bell, we have to grow up, and we do that by taking the next step.

We're coming up on one of those threshold events—the turning of the year. Now is a good time to set the stage for how we would like that new year to unfold. Remembering that perceptions are everything, and that we create our own experience of life, how would you like your world to be different in the new year? How would you like to feel, look, and be during the next twelve months? We don't just have 20/20 vision in hindsight, we can hold a clear image and intention in foresight, too. Or we can just wing it...

There will always be surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant, but having a strong direction in which to proceed gives us confidence that we can influence the outcome. We have a little time yet to think about this before the threshold is upon us. What can your heart and your head agree to for 2016?

                                                             In the Spirit,


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