Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Searching for Enlightenment?

Become a Wave
Enlightenment for a wave is the moment the wave realizes it is water. At that moment, all fear of death disappears.”
Thich Nhat Hann

If you're an “ocean person,” you love to sit on a beach and watch the waves roll, rise, crest, and crash. Some waves crest early, while still some distance away, and without a lot of fanfare. They make it to the shore as a gentle splash. Some waves build and build, rise high above the surface, curl and fold in on themselves, and wash hard and fast onto the sand. They may unexpectedly douse you when you thought you were too far away from the surf to get wet. Regardless of height, and force, and speed, all of them end up sliding back into the sea as water and foam.

Just as a wave is always water, whether it crests low or high, we humans are composed of the very same material. Whether we are black, or white, or brown, Asian, European, African, Australian, Middle Eastern, North or South American, or Slavic; wherever we reside on this planet, we are made of the same cells and chromosomes, our blood runs red, and we share a common strand of DNA. We come from the same source, and return to the same source, just as the wave, foam and water, returns to the sea. 

When we realize these two truths—that we are all the same, and we all return to the same ground of being—perhaps we will give up the notion of us and them, we will lay down our weapons and our ideologies, our perceptions of high and low, right and wrong, and relax into the ocean of love and acceptance that surrounds us. That is enlightenment. I pray for that day. I hope you do, too.

                                                         In the Spirit,


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