Monday, July 6, 2015

Life of the Spirit


Discipline means to prevent everything in your life from being filled up. Discipline means that somewhere you're not occupied, and certainly not preoccupied. In the spiritual life, discipline means to create that space in which something can happen that you hadn't planned or counted on.”
Henri Nouwen

People sometimes ask how I am able to post this blog everyday. My response is always, “It's my spiritual discipline.” Some people get up in the morning and meditate, or pray, or do yoga to get themselves centered and ready for whatever the day brings. I write whatever is on my heart and mind. Some days, this blog is my commentary on our collective existence here on Planet Earth, and other times, it is simply about my own experience and the inner struggles I face in striving for consciousness. Whatever it is, I figure someone else is wrestling with it too.

Discipline is essential to a spiritual life. It is the clearing of space, both mentally and physically, to address one's relationship to a Higher Self, or a Higher Power. It focuses one's attention on what touches the heart, what nurtures the spirit; it creates the connection between body/mind and soul. Unexpected things happen when we're paying attention. Insights and realizations occur, not because a supernatural entity blasts into our thoughts with information, but because we made time and space for allowing.

I had no intention this morning of writing about spiritual discipline—I meant to tell about a sacred moment for me yesterday when our new pastor sang the institution for Holy Communion. I had never witnessed that, always the words were spoken. Listening to his lone voice singing the familiar story of the last supper was like hearing it for the first time. When we allow in the teachings of spirit, unscripted, unplanned, we open ourselves to the holiness of each moment. That's the nature of the spiritual life—bidden or not, Spirit is always present.

                                                          In the Spirit,

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