Friday, July 31, 2015

Accessing the Motherlode

Collective Intelligence

We obviously cannot confront the tangled world alone...It takes no great insight to realize that we have no choice but to think together, ponder together, in groups and communities. The question is, how to do this? How to come together and think and hear each other in order to touch, or be touched, by the intelligence we need.”
Jacob Needleman (In: Centered on the Edge: Mapping a Field of Collective Intelligence and Spiritual Wisdom)

Have you ever worked as a member of a creative team? If so, you know the magic of creativity that occurs when two or more minds are working together and fueling one another. Throughout history, particularly in the arts, pairs of writers, artists and musicians have conspired together to produce some of our greatest masterpieces. Think J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, Rogers and Hammerstein, Lennon and McCartney. Individually, they were talented; together, they were brilliant. They fed off each other, spurred one another to greater creativity, competed, and in that competition, both were lifted to greater achievement.

When we gather with another, whether like-minded or different, new ideas are stimulated, new possibilities generated, and we feel the kinetic energy in the room. We are most productive when we bring our intelligence and spirit together with another intelligence and spirit; in that interaction a third entity is born and given potent life. Some call this third party the “Holy Spirit” because it inspires. We are simply better when we have collective intelligence aimed at problem solving.

In our world today, we have embraced radical individualism. I think, particularly in America, where the remnant of our pioneering past sits deep in our psyche, we are determined to “go it alone.” Starting very young, this “I can do it myself!” attitude makes everyday life a challenge. We don't admit our weaknesses nor our dependency on others; we don't ask for help when we need it, and consequently shut out the possibility of accessing collective intelligence. We would do well to remember this: “When two or three are gathered together...I am there also.” Spirit is always present and available to assist.

                                                                In the Spirit,


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