Sunday, March 29, 2015

Practicing Non-Judgment

Creating Space

Today I shall judge nothing that occurs.”
A Course in Miracles

According to the blog, Deciding to be Better, non-judgment “creates silence in your mind.” It opens up space for creativity instead of the negative thought patterns that always follow judgmental ones. Being judgmental leads us away from ourselves to a less than positive place. In that place, we attract to us the same energy we are putting out—negative attracts negative. By practicing non-judgment we help ourselves lead a more positive life and attract to us positive life circumstances.

If you're like me, your mind is trained to judge. At some point in life, being able to make an accurate judgment call may have been necessary to survival—or at least felt necessary. A child in a less than ideal living situation will develop the keen ability to register tension in a room, and powers of observation that tell them when things are getting dangerous. This hyper-vigilance becomes habitual of necessity, and can become a life style if we never consciously attempt to change it.

We can take the law of attraction to a whole new level by focusing on what we want our life to look like. We open ourselves to creativity and the flow of positive energy by disconnecting from our judgmental mind. Practice may need to come by degrees. We might not bite off a whole day, but perhaps one hour at a time by giving ourselves the affirmation, “I will not judge anything that occurs this hour.” When a negative thought arises, we can repeat our affirmation, or remind ourselves, “Remain neutral.” It is a practice, however, and all practices take time. Be gentle with yourself. It is the child in you who learned this, so treat yourself as you would any child—tenderly and with patience.

                                                          In the Spirit,


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