Thursday, February 12, 2015

Signs of Life.

Making Progress

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
George Bernard Shaw

If you have ever been part of a bureaucracy of any kind, you know that resistance to change is a constant barrier to progress. Whether we're talking about religious institutions, corporations, or established boards of directors, large, old monoliths change at the speed of the tectonic plates. The larger they are, the older they are, the slower they move. And sooner or later, they are passed by some young, nimble competitor, who not only does not resist change, but encourages and embraces it. Constant change is a major components of all living organisms. Lack of change, on the other hand, often spells death.

I woke this morning remembering something I used to say to clients, especially people unhappy with their partners. “She's not the woman I married,” they'd say. “He's not the man I fell in love with.” My response was always, “I should think not—since that was twenty years ago.” Life changes us, experience changes us. We change over time if we are alive and breathing. Change is not the enemy, it is the reality.

Allowing change is, in fact, the very essence of life. It is a “life wish” instead of a “death wish.” Think of it this way: it is the difference between clinching a butterfly in a closed fist, or holding it in an open hand. Resistance to change crushes the life out of what could be a very beautiful thing.

                                                       In the Spirit,


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