Thursday, February 19, 2015

Planting Soul Seeds

Less Than Perfect

Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul.”
Thomas Merton

On first reading, this seems like a terrifying idea. At least, when I look back at my life, and think what may be planted in my own soul, it's a bit unsettling. However, reading Thomas Merton's biography on Wikipedia shows that he was no angel. In fact, in his early life, he was an atheist, and apparently, a “rounder.” And yet, he spent most of his adult life as a Trappist monk at the Abby of Gethsemane in Kentucky, a silent and cloistered monastery. There he wrote prolifically, and became a touchstone in all religious circles for the depth of his thoughts and his faith. Sometimes the careless seeds planted in youth grow into flowering shade trees.

Knowing that even Thomas Merton had a past is reassuring. None of us get through life without a few indiscretions—sometimes many more than a few. Irresponsibility can either become a way of life, or provide the impetus for moving in a different direction. In fact, those reckless and imprudent times can be formative in our spiritual lives. At the furthest extent of our foolhardiness, we often realize that this is not how we want to spend our precious time here on earth. As crazy as it sounds, such seeds are essential to the soul's journey—they are Hansel and Gretel's white pebbles showing the way home. It was Merton who said, “Life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all...” That includes our days of being less than perfect.

                                                              In the Spirit,

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