Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Finding Our Way Home

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

I have a notion that if you are going to be spiritually curious, you better not get cluttered up with too many material things.”
Mary Oliver

Do you ever wake up and find chaos all around you? My noticing of it tends to coincide with tax season, when I begin to sort through my stacks of paper in preparation. I look around and everywhere my eyes land there is “stuff.” It's a recipe for feeling overwhelmed. I believe it comes from always being too drawn into the world, too busy to notice, until the avalanche threatens to bury me.

The world is such a glittering thing, isn't it? It's a gypsy bauble, a bright enticement to veer off the path and into the woods. And then, we're lost. There is so much to see, to touch and taste, so much to draw one into unconsciousness. Before we know it we've given in to our insatiable craving for this and that. We've collected way more “worldly goods” than we can ever use—half the time, we even forget we have them. Or at least, I do. They end up in these infernal stacks, in overflowing drawers, and plastic bins in the back of closets.

So every year about this time, I surface from my waking dream, and begin to clear out. As I clear out my house, my head clears, and as my head clears, I realize what's important and what is not. It's a re-orientation to what matters. And what matters is not the sensory world with all its allures, but the world of spirit. Attachment to material things is like lying down the field of poppies that put Dorothy to sleep in Oz. One needs to wake up, and get back on the yellow brick road to home.

                                                               In the Spirit,


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