revelation took place, and finite consciousness opened up to the
infinite, each individual standing at the foot of Mount Sinai heard
God's words as a personal and unique address to each one alone.”
Jose, son of Hanina, 3rd century AD
you ever considered yourself to be “called” to serve God and your
fellow humans in a particular way? Perhaps you have a gift—a
beautiful voice, an instrument you play, an ability to write, or
paint, or speak in a way that moves people. Perhaps you have the ability to build, or repair, or create things. Have you ever thought of
yourself as a messenger of God? Probably not. Most of us don't think
that way. We're just us—plain ol' us. But if you were to think
about that question, “What is my message?” how would you answer
Zohar, the chief text of the Jewish Kabbalah, states that we are not
only messengers, but that our lives are the message. Each of us
carries a different piece of the 'God message' that is ours alone to
manifest in the world. If someone were to ask you to write an essay,
or give a three-minute speech titled, “My Message to the World,”
what would you say? One way to research such an assignment would be
to self-examine—what are your unique or particular
characteristics, traits, or even quirks. What makes you you? What is
it you do just because you love doing it? What are you good at? What
do other people tell you you're good at? Sometimes it's hard to get
far enough away from ourselves to gain perspective. But it's an
assignment worth delving into.
indeed, God has a message to send us, then we are the medium, and we
are the message. Today, let's ponder exactly what our piece of that
message is, and how we might better deliver it to the world.
the Spirit,
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