Saturday, January 24, 2015

How to Find Your...

True Purpose

There is no substitute for finding true purpose. But the true or primary purpose of your life cannot be found on the outer level. It does not concern what you do but who you are—that is to say, your state of consciousness.”
Eckhart Tolle (A New Earth)

It's surprising how often we confuse this, isn't it? Our life's purpose may have nothing to do with how we make a living. We may, or may not, be here to be a doctor, or a lawyer, or an Indian chief, a rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief. (Sorry, I couldn't resist this old jump rope rhyme:) It's tempting, especially when you're young and trying to find your footing, to think that once you find your vocation, you will have found your purpose in life. If only it were that simple.

In the final analysis, what we bring to the table—any table—is the level of awareness that we have acquired by living consciously. Awareness of oneself first: of one's own strengths and weaknesses, of one's light and darkness, and one's emotions and motives. And then, at least attempting to understand others in the same way. All who have a different lifestyle, or a different theology, or manner of expressing themselves are not the enemy, and not just “crazy.” They have their own purpose in being here.

Consciousness is acquired. Now and then, we have spectacular insights that flash into awareness like a super nova. But most of the time, consciousness is claimed an inch at a time, through personal work and by making mistakes. We live, we learn, we grow. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts. We simply put our foot on the path and follow Spirit's lead.

                                                     In the Spirit,

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