Your Itch
is having a scratch for every itch.” Ogden Nash
the last three weeks, I've had a rash on my legs. It's nearly driven
me crazy—well, crazier than usual. I've tried everything I know to
stop it, antihistamines, steroid creams, Benadryl, and nothing has
touched it. I'm finally going to see my doctor this morning to find a
cure. But, all this itching got me wondering what kind of quotes I
would find if I googled the word. Well, there is no shortage, believe
me. A couple of cogent ones were: “One learns to itch where one can
scratch.” (Scott Reed) and, my favorite, “A burning itch to know
is higher than a solemn vow to pursue truth. To feel the burning itch
of curiosity requires both that you be ignorant, and that you desire
to relinquish your ignorance.” (Eliezer Yudkowsky)
not sure what I'm itching to know, but I can truly appreciate a
curious mind. In fact, I sometimes marvel when I meet someone who
doesn't have one. Have you done that—asked questions that seemed
important to you, only to have your friend say, “Oh, I don't know.
I never asked.” Questions about everything from the operation of
the universe, to the forming of relationships, to the history of
folks, their back-story with details—yes, please. I talked with
someone recently for whom I had a million questions he could not
answer. He said “I don't know,” so many times, I finally said,
“Wow, you don't ask many questions, do you?” His response was,
“My wife used to write lists of questions I was to ask, so that I
could answer her questions when I came home.” Now, that is an
incurious mind!
authors report that they write because, “I had an itch I couldn't
scratch.” Needing to know is one of the things that singles out
humans from the rest of the pack of primates. We explore, delve,
experiment, investigate, research and read. We want to know what
makes everything tick. Our brains are equipped with all those folds,
those crenulations, so we can pack a whole lot of “knowing” into
a very small space. I hope you put your curious mind to work today.
Learn something new. Scratch the itch you can get to.
the Spirit,
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