final wisdom of life requires not the annulment of incongruity, but
the achievement of serenity within and above it.”
know, the original Pilgrims, whose holiday we celebrated yesterday,
were the most impoverished population ever to live on this continent.
They dug more graves than they built houses in their first year here.
Yet they found time and energy to give thanks for their blessings,
and to share their meal with the native people, without whom none
of the Pilgrims would have survived. How did we get from celebrating
Thanksgiving as a sacred holiday, to gobbling up our food so we can
go shopping?
incongruity is troubling to my mind. I know I will never understand
it, so my solution is to by-pass the whole thing, and take myself off
to the lake. I will commune with the loons—the feathered kind—and
the other loons—the female kind, for a few days of serenity while
the madness passes. There will always be incongruity, inconsistency,
paradox and inexplicable complications in life—kind of like a
swirling vortex that if you're caught up in, will pull you straight
down. Best to paddle my small boat to a quiet shore and wait for the
storm to pass.
you're a Black Friday fan, bless you, and have fun. If you're not,
this is a good day to find a cozy nook, and a good book to read until
tomorrow. Allow your serenity to rise above the hubbub and to float
gently in your mind.
the Spirit,
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