Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Grace of Getting Lost

Unexpected Bounty

I'm glad that I paid so little attention to good advice; had I abided by it I might have been saved from some of my most valuable mistakes.”
Edna St. Vincent Millay

My friend, Suzan, and I took a little excursion to Leeds, AL yesterday. She had never visited the Bama Flea and Antique Mall or eaten ribs at Rusty's Bar-B-Q. We spent a couple of hours pawing through rusty old tools and empty birdcages, World War II ammo boxes, vintage Koolade dispensers—the old metal barrel ones we knew as children. She found a fetching shirt that was tagged “communist block” apparel (whatever that means). There was a tall, chrome, free-standing, hand-crank juicer that, in the old days, drug stores used to make lemonade. Had I been a richer woman, I would have bought it, but alas...

When we left the Flea, I thought to take the back way to Rusty's and so tooled along a known road until we came to a train parked across it and cars lined up for two blocks, waiting. We waited too, for at least 15 minutes until ambulance and firetruck arrival made it clear something unfortunate had happened and the train would not be moving any time soon. I allowed as to how I knew all the back roads, and who could possibly get lost in tiny little Leeds. Suzan tried to use common sense to tell me which way to go, but I was my usual headstrong self. Half an hour later, we were still taking turns that should have put us right, but instead, led only to dead ends. By now, we were not in the finest part of Leeds and, seemingly, nowhere near Rusty's. Finally, an exasperated Suzan pulled out her I-phone and its GPS found the way out.

In the process of all that twisting and turning, I discovered a little farmer's market which I'm quite excited about. Getting lost now and then is not half bad—who knows what you might discover in uncharted territory. Now, if I can only find my way back to that farm stand...

                                                  In the Spirit,


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