Monday, August 11, 2014

Seeing the Mystery


Let us celebrate the joy and sorrow...the wonder and mystery of all we see, so that we might live and learn as we were meant to. They say of stardust we are formed, that the oceans flow through our veins, and our thoughts are of quantum particles strung together by slender threads of charged ions. Therefore all things are connected, all things have spirit, you, me, the animals, rocks, the oceans, planets, stars and the whole universe, these quantum particles are forming webs of awareness focusing at the center where dwells the collective unconscious of all that has and ever will exist.”
Andrew James Pritchard (To Revolt Is A People's Right)

Yesterday, the New Testament reading was from Matthew 14; the story about Jesus walking on water. Bud, our pastor, did a very good job of extracting the words of Jesus to the disciples when they cringed in terror, thinking him a ghost. Jesus said, as he always did, “Do not be afraid. It is I.” Thich Nhat Hanh has a very famous quote, “The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.”

In the spirituality group, we spoke again about how we take the sacredness we feel in the group, into our everyday life. I think the quotes above speak to that in a much clearer way than I could. If we could spend even ten minutes a day seeing the miracles that are before our eyes, and within our bodies, that we simply overlook and take for granted, we would feel the presence of holiness all the time. When we can give up the notion that one day the sky will part, and Jesus will return in clouds of glory, we might begin seeing him in one another. When we truly get his message of our own priesthood, our saltiness, our light, we will in fact realize that the second coming has already happened, and is here within. He walks on the green earth with human feet—yours and mine.

                                               In the Spirit,


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