Monday, September 17, 2012

Does kindness matter?

The Happiness Factor

There is no duty which we so much underrate as that of being happy.”
                                      Robert Louis Stevenson

I participated in the AIDS Walk yesterday afternoon. It had been several years since I attended this particular event, and I was surprised to see so many people turn out. My church handed out lots of cups and refrigerator magnets and candy. Bands played, choirs sang, entertainers entertained; people brought their kids and their dogs. It was a happy time at the park. There seemed to be a level of comfort in the crowd that I hadn't seen before. Perhaps that is because AIDS is becoming more a chronic disease than a death sentence, but I believe it is more than that.

It seems to me that the level of understanding has broadened; tolerance for all kinds of people has increased. Perhaps the specter of a killing disease that cuts across all cultures, ethnic groups and social strata, brought us to a place of acceptance and compassion. Sometimes even the darkest of clouds has a silver lining.

It makes me happy to see all manner of people being kind to one another, people whose paths don't cross in their day-to-day life. So often we focus on the negative goings-on in our world that we forget that good stuff is happening, too. It's easy to get caught up in what is wrong, and miss entirely all that is right. It is for me anyway. As they say, happiness doesn't sell newspapers or make it onto the cable news channels. These days you have to make a conscious effort to find the positive events in our world. The AIDS Walk was that for me.

Lets face it; people who are tolerant, kind and accepting are happier than people who are intolerant, hateful and rejecting. Seems obvious, doesn't it? British novelist, Samuel Butler, once wrote, “All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.” I hope that today you enjoy your life, and that you are kind to everyone you meet. You'll be happier for it.

                                                      In the spirit,

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