Monday, August 20, 2012

Big Brother is Watching You

Drones and Zombies

Often the right path is the one that is hardest for you to follow. But the hard path is also the one that will make you grow as a human being.”
                                        Karen Mueller Combs

Don't you just want to slam the computer down when you read that quote! Dog-gone-it, you say, why can't things be easy for once? Why can't I just slide into the day, and have everything that comes my way be easy and certain, with no glitches and no drama? And I say to you, 'Not going to happen.'

As life becomes more complex, with more and more people on the planet, our days will no doubt be ever more complicated and dramatic. Because, let's face it, most of our challenges come from other people—other human beings who expect something from us, who have dreams and desires and goals of their own. They compete with us for the resources, the goods and services, and the roads. (As we say around here, 'It ain't right, brother!')

Speaking of drama, my adult children were here over the weekend. We always have long “ain't it awful” conversations that leave me gasping with the realities of life. My Atlanta half told about all the cameras installed at intersections in the city; seven or eight at every intersection. They monitor for anything unusual, as well as who is running red lights and stop signs. Then the 'overlords' issue tickets accordingly and have raised ga-zillions of dollars in fines. They say it's impossible to go anywhere without 'big brother' watching you. We discussed what will happen when Police Departments get unmanned drones that can monitor our goings-on twenty-four-seven. (Hopefully, they'll alert us when the zombie apocalypse begins!)

I guess life would be pretty boring without human drama. I do, however, see happy people who don't appear to have any drama in their lives—they travel to Bora-Bora on vacations, and dine out with the beautiful people. I'll bet they don't worry about unmanned drones and big brother. In fact, they look like they don't worry about anything—they have unlined faces and white teeth and no evidence of trauma or fear. But I'll bet they are s-h-a-l-l-o-w. Those of us who have hardship to hone our sensitivities are deep and mature and we have the truth right smack in the palm of our hand. Right? Right?

Oh, well, I hope your day is easy. If you see any drones, I recommend that you duck and run. The zombies won't be far behind.

                                          In the spirit,

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