Friday, July 22, 2011

Looking for Clues

Clues and Synchronicity

“It is important to have a framework of understanding, to know that another aspect of yourself—spirit—is shining through the disguise of the material world.  If you are willing to accept that spirit could be beckoning to you, the clues will begin to change.  Instead of being coincidences that quickly fade from your mind, clues will begin to take on spiritual overtones.”
                                  Deepak Chopra

         Carl Jung spoke and wrote frequently of “meaningful coincidences,” or “synchronicities.”  These are events that have no causal relationship, but are meaningful to the person and feel connected.  An example from my own life occurred in the late 2000. I had a busy practice as a Massage Therapist that was my primary source of income.  In the course of work, I hurt myself and was experiencing nerve pain and tingling down my left arm.  Every step caused pain and I knew work would exacerbate the problem.  I was distressed and terrified about how I would make a living, and being a single parent with a child still in high school, I had to work.  I was walking my dog one day when a car pulled up beside me.  A neighbor, Tim, greeted me and we chatted for a minute.  Then he said, “I’ve been reading the articles you’ve written for the church newsletter.  In fact, I have kept all of them.  I’m the director of the Massage Therapy program at the new college in town, and I’d love to have you as a teacher.” 

         There was no causal relationship between these two events, but in my mind, Tim’s offer was an answer to prayer.  I went to work as a teacher and spent six years there before retiring.  I hear stories of this kind everyday.  Ordinary people put out a silent call to the universe, a call to God, or spirit, and set in motion a cascade of events that changes their lives. 

         Deepak Chopra, in The Way of the Wizard, says, “You can’t decipher the hidden meaning, however, until you ask for it to be revealed.  ‘Don’t expect spirit to write a book and read it to you,’ Merlin said.  ‘Life is creative and so is spirit.  Each clue meant for you is tailored to your level of awareness.’” When you want clues, and you expect clues, and you look for clues, you will get clues.  Jesus said it very simply, “Ask and you will receive.  Knock and it will be opened to you.”  When you become a happy seeker, life takes on a whole new meaning.



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